At the beginning of the 2018/19 academic year, the leaders of the ISUS research group (Inteligent Sensing and Ubiquitous Systems @ FCT / UFP), Rui Silva Moreira, José Torres, Christophe Soares and Pedro Sobral, established a collaboration with Karim Karmali and Salim Karmali, the Hardlevel managers, conducing to the establishment of a protocol for scientific cooperation and patronage between Hardlevel and UFP. The major goal of this protocol is the development of research and promote the technological transfer through innovative hardware and software solutions in the area of Internet of Things (IoT), applied to the company’s activity in the collection of cooking oils. This pioneering project aims to combine concepts of wireless sensor networks, machine learning, mobile, ubiquitous and intelligent systems applied to the logistics of the company’s processing and recycling operations. The current protocol will allow funding 4 master’s students for a period of 2 years.