The ISUS Research Group (@ FCT/UFP) participated in the European night of researchers – northern fashion science, which took place at the Rosa Mota Pavilion (aka Cristal Palace) on September 30, 2016. This event brought together dozens of researchers from different scientific areas of the northcom area, the mission of raising awareness of young people in the school community (1st cycle to secondary schools in the district of Porto) to the importance of science in everyday life and Quality of life of the citizen and its impact on the development of society.
The ISUS prepared and streamlined several activities of interaction of young students with various robots and also with a virtual 3d world (SecondLife) that represented the laboratory ISUS in UFP. The experiences provided were highly sought after and allowed the young people to squirrels the event in a massive way to experience not only the navigation in the virtual world such as programming and interaction with robots (e.g. autonomous line tracking predefined, marking/tracking student position, mirroring the movements of virtual avatars in SecondLife and their actual robots, etc.).
In this event, the following members of the ISUS were present: Prof. Rui S. Moreira, Prof. José Torres, Prof. Pedro Sobral, Prof. Christophe Soares, Eng. André Ribeiro, Eng. Beatriz Gomes