There is an open position for a scholarship in the scope of the project PTDC/EIA-EIA/108352/2008, entitled “SafeHomeHealthCare: Interference-free Home Health-Care Smart Spaces using Search Algorithms and Meta-Reality Reflection”. This project is financed by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) through structural EU founds and national MCTES founds. The conditions are the following: 1. … Continue Reading
Author Archives
Rui Silva Moreira
Cross-Reality Seminar at Instituto Politécnico da Guarda (IPG)
The ISUS group, represented by Rui Moreira, presented a seminar entitled “Cross-reality: interligando o mundo real e o mundo virtual” to students of the Mobile Computing Masters Course from Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão da Guarda (ESTG), Instituto Politécnico da Guarda (IPG). This event was held in July 16th 2010 in response to a … Continue Reading
SafeHomeHealthCare: Interference-free Home Health-Care Smart Spaces using Search Algorithms and Meta-Reality Reflection
Executive Summary Context: The context of this project is the growing need for automated health-care support for the sick and the elderly at home that can provide them with more comfort and safety while reducing the overall cost of the health-care system. Smart spaces have the potential to provide such automated support as numerous projects … Continue Reading